Kidney is a
couple organ inside the abdomen, its form is like a nut, dark red color. Its
location is in the abdomen, close to posterior vertebra, inside the peritoneum
and back muscle. Kidney has adrenal gland on it, but that gland has different
function with kidney especially in urine elimination. Kidney structure consist
of fibrous tissue that cover the kidney from the outside, and cortex as the
outter layer, and medulla as the inner layer. Kidney structure consist of
1.000.000 nephron as kidney function unit.
Every nephron
consist capillary (Malpighi body or glomerulus) and tubules. Kidney has an
important role in fluid and electrolyte balance. Kidney filters waste product
from the blood to be urine.
Human has a
pair kidney, the right side and left side. The right side of kidney is lower
than the left side, because there is a liver organ in it. Kidney located in
posterior abdomen, outside peritoneum cavity. Medial side of kidney is hilum
where the artery and vein supply kidney with blood, lymph fluid, nerves, and
ureters that transport urine to bladder. Kidney consist of fibrous capsule to
protect kidney structures.
Kidney is a
couple organ, its form is like a nut with dark red color, the length about 12,5
cm and its tick is 2,5 cm (about fist size). Every kidney has weight about 125
to 175 grams for man and 115 to 155 grams from woman.
location is in upper area, that is in posterior abdomen wall that is close to
last ribs. This organ is retroperitoneal organ and located between back muscle
and peritoneum cavity. Every kidney has an adrenal gland on it.
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Kidney Location in the Abdomen
in normal
condition, left kidney is higher than right kidney about 1,5 to 2 cm because
of liver anatomy. Every kidney has three
wraps, fascia renal as the outter cover, perirenal fat tissue, and fibrous
capsule. Those kidney wrapper is to cover the kidney and maintain the kidney
structure still in its position.
Kidney Internal Structure
- Kidney internal structures are hilum, kidney sinus, pelvis, parenchim, medulla, and cortex. We will know the kidney internal structure one by one.
- Hilum is a kidney’s medial corvature.
- Sinus is a cavity consist of fat tissue as an entrance of hilum. Sinus form complex entrance and exit for urether, renal arthery, vena arthery, nerves, and lymph.
- Pelvic is proximal urether expandtion. This pelvic tip become 2 to 3 mayor calixes, calixes is a small cavity that reach glandulers where urine is filtered. Every single calix will has 8 to 18 branches called minor calix.
- Kidney parenchim is kidney tissue that cover kidney sinus. This tissues consist of two part, medulla and cortex. Medulla consist of triangula masses called pyramide. Every narrow tip of pyramide (papilla) entered to minor calix and penetrated urine storage duct. Cortex consist of tubulus and nephron blood vessels, cortex is among pyramides.
- Kidney can be divided to kidney lobus, every lobus consist of one pyramide and cortex tissue that is covered it.
Nephron structure
Nephrone is
kidney functional unit. One kidney consist 1 to 4 million nephrons. One of the
nephrones consist vasculer component (capulary) and tubuler component. Nephron
consist of glomerulus, Bowman capsul, conturtuse tubulus, ansa henle, distal
tubulus, and storage ductus.
Glomerulus is
first structure in nephrone, it is like a capilary rolls that is arranged by
vasa aferen blood supply and resupply through vas eferen. Glomerulus is
surronded by Bowman capsul, capsul Bowman is like double epithelium capsul. Its
structure is covered by endotelium cells and basal membrane. Epithelium
cells is in basal membrane, and other endotel in different place. Glomerulus
and Bowman capsul work together to form kidney corpuskel.
Bowman capsul
visceral layer is internal epithelium layers. Liseran layer cells is modified
to be podosit (foot like cells), those cells is special epithelium cells around
glomerulus capilary. Every podosit
cells sick to glomerular surface through primer prosesus that consist of
secondary procesus called pedickel (small foot)
integrate with same prosesu from other
podosit. Narrow space between pedicle called filtration slits (pore), its space
is about 25nm. Every pore is covered by membran, and it will be possible for
some molecul exchange. Glomerular
filtration barier is tissue barrier that divide blood in glomerular capiler
from inner space of Bowman capsul. This barier consist of endothelium, lamina
basalis, and filtration slits.
Parietal layer
of Bowman capsul form kidney corpuscle. In kidney
corpuscle vasculer, arteriola aferen flows
to glomerulus and arteriol eferen out from glomerulus. In kidney
corpuscle urinary, glomerulus filtrate the blood flow that come in.
Proximal contur
tubulus lenght is about 15 mm and complex. There is coboit epithelium cells
that is rich of micro vilus (brush border) and expand lumen surface. Ansa henle.
Proximal tubulus goes to ansa henle desenden that cut kidney medula and back to
upper tublus, acendent tubulus ansa henle.
Cortex Nephrone
is outside the cortex. This nephrone has small curve that cut 1/3 medulla. Jukstamedular
nephrone is near to medulla. This nephron has long curve that cut to pyramid. Distal tubulus
is so long about 5 mm and form last nephron segment. This tubulus
connected to aferen arteriol wall. The tubulus cells that is touched arteriol has modified cells called macula
densa. Macula densa has functions in chemoreseptor and stimulate natrium ion.
Arteriole wall
consist of modified smooth muscle called jukstaglomlular cell. This cells are
stimulated by blood pressure to produce
renin. Macula densa,
jukstaglomelular, and mesangium cells
work together to form jukstaglomelural apparatus, and it will regulate blood pressure.
Storage duct.
Because every storage duct s is close to cortex, so those tubuluses will reach
distal tubulus. Storage ductus form is big, straight, and wide. Storage tubulus
form bigger tube that excrete urine to bigger place (calix minor and calix
mayor), and from kidney pelvic, urine will flow to urether and store in
Filtration, Reabsorption, and Secretion
Glomerular Filtration
Filtration is a
process that filter blood and fluid exchange
in certain pressure in Bowman capsul. This filtrations are helped some
factors: glomerular capiler membran is more permeable than other capiler in the
body so the filtration will work so fast. Blood pressure in glomerular capiler
is stronger than other capilary pressures because eferen arteriol is smaller
than aferen arteriole.
Filtration Mechanism
pressure (blood), glomeruler pushes fluid and sulable substances out from blood
to Bowman capsul. Hidrostatic pressure
is from Bowman capsul. This pressure tend to push fluid out from capsul into
glomerulus. Osmotic pressure in glomerulus is made from plasm protein, this
pressure is the pressure that pull fluid from Bowman capsul. Effective
filtration force (EEPI) is netto forece. This pressure is pressure between
hidrostatic and osmotic pressure.
EFP= (Hydrostatic) – (capsul pressure) + (osmotic)
filtration rate is filtration total that is formed per minute in all nephron.
In man, GFR is about 125 ml/minutes or 180 L in 24 hours, and 110 ml/minutes
for woman.
Factors that Influence GFR
1. Effective
filtration force.
GFR is equal
with EFR and force changes will influence GFR. Arteriol constriction determine
kidney blood flow and glomerular hidrostatic pressure. Aferen contriction
decrease blood flow and decrease filtration. Eferen contriction increase the
filtration in glomerulus lead to higher GFR.
2. Sympathies
Sympatis impuls
stimulation such as like stress will make arteriol aferen constrict and
decrease the blood filtration in glomerulus and GFR will lower.
3. Urinary obstruction
Urinary obstruction caused by kidney stone or urther stone will
increase hydostatic in Bowman capsul and decreae GFR.
4. Liver disease
or low protein diet
Low protein
diet will or liver disease will decrease osmotic pressure so GFR will increase.
5. Some kidney
Kidney disease
can increase glomerular capilary permeability and lead to GFR in high
6. Glomerular
filtrat composition
Filtrat in
Bowman capsul is identic with filtrate plasm in water and sulable substance
with low molecular, such as glucose, chloride, natrium, fosfat, urea, uric
acid, and creatinin. Albumin plasm can be filtrated, but it is almost
reabsorbed and normally absent in urine. White blood cells and infiltrated
protein, if this present in urine indicate for infection.
Tubules Reabsorption
reabsorption is to reabsorb the useful substances in primer urine in proximal
tubulus. Almost filtrate (90%) effectively reabsorbed in kidney tubulus by
passive difution, transport active, or fasilitated difution. About 85% natrium
chloride, water, glucose, amino acid in glomerular filtrat are absorbed in
proximal tubulus, although reabsorbtion occur in whole nephrone. Tubulus
reabsorbtion are natrium, chlor ion and other negative ion, glucose, fructose,
and amino acid, water, urea, and other anorganic ions.
secretion mechanism is an active process that move substances out from the
body, its process is in peritubular capilary through tubular fluid to excrete
in urine. Hydrogen, kalium, ammonium, creatinin, and hypurat acid, and certain
drugs (penisilin) are actively secreted into tubulus.
Hydrogen ion
and ammonium are exchanged with natrium ion in distal tubulus. Tubular
secretion that is active toward hydrogen ion and ammonium helps pH plasm
regulation and acid base balance in the body. Tubular
secretion is a mechanism that important to excrete waste product or chemical
Kidney Auto Regulation
mechanism is to prevent kidney blood supply and GFR abnormality. This
autoregulation is occur about 80 to 180 mmHg in blood pressure. If this range
(normally about 100 mmHg) is increase, aferen arteriole will constrict to reduce
kidney blood supply and reduce GFR.
Otherwise if the blood pressure is decrease, so the GFR will increase.
Thus, mayor abnormalitis can be prevented.
involve reseptor feedbacek in arteriole wall and apparatus jukstaglomerular.
Beside autoregulation mechanism, changes in artery pressure can increase GFR.
There are many glomerular filtrate that is produced in a day, only small
changes can increase urine output.
artery pressure cause clear changes in urine output, this pressure can decrease
to 75 mmHg or in high pressure about 160 mmHg, it only can change in small
portion in GFR. This effect called GFR autoregulation. It is important because
nephron need optimal GFR, only 5% abnormalities in it, it will be a big problem
and lead to excessive urine output.
GFR Autoregulation Mechanism-Tubuloglomerulus Feedback
Every nephrone
has combination mechanism in GFR autoregulation. That combination are between
aferen arteriole vasodilator feedback and eferen arteriol vasoconstrictore
feedback. This combination feedback called tubuloglomerulus feedback.
complex ilustrate jukstaglomerulus complex that show distal tubulus pass a
corner between aferen and eferen arterioles. Epithelium cells in this distal
tubulus that contact with arteriol is more solid than other tubulus cells and
it called makladensa. In distal tubulus, macula densa location is in tubulus
distal segment, near to asendenansa henle. Smooth muscle cells in both aferen
and eferen arteriole consist of granula where it contact with macula densa.
This cell called jukstaaglomerulus (JG cell) and this granule consist of
inactive renin.
Arteriole Vasodilator Feedback Mechanism.
Low GFR will
reabsorb excessive chloride in tubulus so that decrease chloride ion
consentration in macula densa. Otherwise, decrease number of chloride ions will
make macula dense to dilate aferen arteriol.
In detail, low
GFR causes chloride consentration decrease and make aferen arteriole dilate.
This condition will increase blood flow to glomerulus and increase glomerulus
pressure. It will increase GFR back to normal.
Eferen Arteriole Vasoconstrictor Feedback Mechanism
Small number of
chloride ion in macula densa will make jukstaglomerulus cell release renin and
this will produce angiotensin. Then angiotensin constrict eferen arteriole
because it is more sensitive toward angiotensin 2 than aferen arteriole.
Now we can
describe eferen arteriole vasoconstrictor that help in maintaining constant
GFR. Low GFR make chloride ions reabsorbtion in macula densa. Then small
chloride ions consentration will stimulate JG cells release renin and their
granula. Renin stimulate angiotensin 2 production and it will constrict eferen
arteriol, it lead to glomerulus pressure. And the last, GFR will back to normal
Kidney Blood Supply Autoregulation
If artery
pressure changes in minutes, so kidney blood supply and GFR will be regulated
at the same time. Aferen arteriol vasodilator feedback mechanism makes kidney
autoregulation, if kidney blood supply is low, so glomeerulus pressure and GFR
will decrease. Feedback mechanism makes aferen arteriole will dilate to
regulate GFR back to normal and dilatation will increase blood flow back to
normal although in low artery pressure.
Renin-Angiotensin System
Renin is a
hormon that is producted by kidney. The function of this hormon is to regulate
blood supply when ischemia occur. Renin is syntesied and released from
jukstaglomerulus cells. Renin – angiotensin mechanism is not only maintain
normal glomerulus filtration, but also maintain urea
In hypotention
condition, it need to protect water and salt and excrete waste product, urea is
the most common waste product. We have already talked about urea excretion is
equal with GFR. Eferen arteriole vasoconstriction mechanism can maintain
glomerulus filtration, low artery pressure, urea that will be excreted in urine
almost reach normal. So hypotenstion (65 to 70 mmHg) will not make urea
Because of
angiotensin is produced in kidney, it will circulate in whole body during
artery hypotention, so this condition will make water, ions (natrium, chloride,
kalium) retention. So, it will maintain water and other ions although urea is
angiotensin makes water and ion conservation with this mechanism. It will
increase arteriol resistance that will decrease kidney blood supply and then
decrease peritubulus capiler pressure. Otherwise, it can increase water and
electrolytes reabsorbtion from tubulus system.
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