Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Complete Breast Cancer Information

Breast is had by every people, men or women. For men, breast is not so important, but in women breast is very important. Breast is the most important organ in women that has function in reproductive system and beauty. Breast consist of fat, connected tissue, and lobulus (breast milk gland). When a woman has a childbirth, breast milk will be flow through small tubes during breast feeding. Cells in our body usually produce and breed regularly. New cells will be create when it is needed. But in cancer is different. That process will not work well so that the cells development and growth is in control. 

Breast Cancer Development
Breast cancer is an uncontrolled breast cells growth, it may be from breast gland components (epithelium or lobes) or fat tissue, blood vessels, and breast nerves. Breast cancer has physical, psychological, and social effects. In physical function of breast will disturb in its normal function (breast feeding), perhaps it is because of operation or amputation, pain, and change in physical appearance. Breast cancer has a psychological effect such as psychological reaction for breast cancer diagnosis, therapies, or treatment that the patient needs to do with a new physical appearance. Then the last is social effect, the patient may be change in social status because of jobless, or the patient may be disturbed on her roles as a family member. So, that is why breast cancer need to pay more attention on it because breast cancer not only impact physical such as other diseases, but also influence psychology and beauty.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. If the cancer can be detected in first stadium, the cancer can be treat before it spread to whole body. The first sign of breast cancer is a bump or laceration in breast skin. But, the bump is not always indicate breast cancer.


When you recognized sign of breast cancer, you should see and consult with doctor immediately. The doctor will suggest you to check it to hospital so that the diagnosis is clear. Breast cancer can be divided into 2, Invasive and non-invasive breast cancer.

Invasive Breast Cancer

Common shapes of invasive breast cancer is ductal invasive that grow in cells. Invasive means that the cancer can be spread out from the breast cells.


Non-invasive Breast Cancer

Non-invasive breast cancer can be found in mammography because of it is always without bump.


Breast cancer causes can not be detected till today, it is hard to make sure the patient has same causes or not, but there are some factors that can be a factors of breast cancer disease. The factors of breast cancer can be divided into two factor; unchangeable and changeable factors.

Unchangeable factors


Breast cancer is risky for elderly, many women has breast cancer in over 40 years old women. Under 40 years old women has lower risk for breast cancer than over 40 years old women.

Early Menarche

First menstruation in women called menarche. Risk of breast cancer is higher in women with early menarche (under 12 years old). Early menstruation has a relation with estrogen and progesterone hormone exposure. Those hormone responsible in tissue proliferation include breast tissue.


Menopause after 55 years old is higher in breast cancer. 

Family history

Women will have a risk of breast cancer if they have a family member that has breast cancer diagnosis. In genetic studies, breast cancer has a relation with gen probability.

Breast cancer history

Women that has proliferation change in their breast have higher risk for recurrent breast cancer diagnosis.

Changeable Factors

Pregnancy history

Too old for first pregnancy has higher risk for breast cancer. Based on the research from U. S, according to Briston, first pregnancy over 35 years old will have a risk 3.6 times for breast cancer. Women that is never deliver has a risk 4 times higher than women with ever have a child delivery. 

Obesity and fat consumption

There is positive relation between body weight with breast cancer in women and post menopause. Fat consumption is a factors for breast cancer.

Hormone therapy and oral contraception

Hormone has a relation with breast cancer. Women with hormone consumption or contraception has higher risk for breast cancer. Estrogen and progesterone in contraception will give a proliferation effect in breast gland. A women with contraception use in long period has higher risk for breast cancer before menopause.


Women with smoking behavior will make risk of breast cancer higher. Based on the researches, active smoking women will be easy to have a breast cancer 2.3 times than women without smoking exposure.

Radiation Exposure History

Radiation has a bad impact to breast gland. The radiation exposure history in women after puberty and before menopause will have higher risk for breast cancer.


Evidences show that genetic has relation to breast cancer, but why gene make breast cancer has been unknown yet. Although breast cancer causes are unknown, but it can be identified through some risk factors. These factors is important in prevention, 60% breast cancer that has been diagnosed has no risk factors of breast cancer, but hormones. Women have a risk for breast cancer, but identifying breast cancer risk can be an effective ways to prevent breast cancer. So, the if the risk factors can be identified, the breast cancer can be prevented and early detection can be helpful for breast cancer treatment.

Breast cancer is from epithelium tissues, it usually located in duct system, hyperplasia cells is the first form of breast cancer. This cells will be carcinoma in situ or invasive cancer that invade stroma. Carcinoma needs 7 years to grow from single cell to be palpable mass or tumor (about 1 cm diameter). In that size of tumor, ¼ carcinoma had became metastasis and spread to other organs.

Tumor or we usually called it neoplasm is a group of cell that has already changed with characteristic in proliferation growth. That tumor does not follow the cells around it in growth, but it is uncontrolled and getting bigger. Abnormal proliferation will disturb normal function of tissues by infiltrate and spread metastasis cells to nearest tissue. Inside the cells has changed in biochemical, especially in malign cells.

How to make it sure that it is a breast cancer or not, you need to do some test.
  1. Mammography
  2. USG
  3. Biopsy



Lymphedema is if  lymph duct that has function to lymph fluid flow in abnormal condition. Lymphedema can be prevented with put that joint higher to help lymph fluid flow.

Hypercalcemia syndrome

Hypercalcemia is a condition where the body loss its calcium inside the bone, this syndrome will occur if cancer produce hormones that is increase the blood calcium level.


There are some factors that need to think about before the doctor decided the best treatment, those are stadium, patient’s condition, menopause, and cancer development.

First detection of breast cancer through routine examination can be the first stadium, otherwise the cancer that is detected from physical sign and symptoms can be in severe stadium. This severe stadium can not be healed well, it just supporting therapy and decrease the sign and symptoms.
Breast cancer can be called primer cancer cell because it is from breast cells not from the breast outside or other organs. In general, primer breast cancer can be treated totally if the diagnosis and the treatment is done early. First treatment for breast cancer is operation. Type of operation is variate depend on type of breast cancer. The process of operation will always with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or biological care for some case. Chemotherapy or hormonal therapy sometimes can be the first medication.

If the detection is in last stadium and the cancer spread out to whole body, breast cancer can not be cured. The medication is really different for this kind of cancer stadium.
Operation Process
Operation process in breast cancer can be divided to two process, those are tumor surgery and all of breast organ surgery (mastectomy). Plastic surgery can be done after mastectomy.

To handle first stadium cancer, an experiment showed that operation combination between surgery and radiotherapy is work, so is mastectomy.

In brief, the is the process of breast cancer operation
  1. Tumor removal
  2. Mastectomy
  3. Radiotherapy
  4. Hormone therapy 
  5. Ovary suppression
The operation process is not always in a row, it can be effective if the medications are combined with change the life style and avoid all of the risky behavior for breast cancer. 


Then, there are some preventions that can be effective in breast cancer prevention, those are:  

Personal Prevention

Healthy life style is not only decrease the risk of breast cancer, but also it can prevent other diseases. This simple preventions are
  1. Breast cancer early detection
  2. Routine physical exercise 
  3. Healthy meal pattern
  4. Maintain ideal body weight 
  5. Breast feeding for the baby


Clinical prevention

Medical prevention

Two types of medication have already provided for high risk women, tamoxifen and raloxifen. A women with menopause can use these medications. But, you have to consult with your doctor first before take this medication.


Mastectomy can be done for prevention too by decrease the risk of breast cancer in women with breast cancer heredity. Mastectomy will remove the whole breast, and the risk of breast cancer is smaller. But this process has significant complication. It can defect the women self confident.

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